philip stein手表

人气指数:1 页面更新时间:2016-07-18 14:44

  philip stein手表源自于美国,这款产品倡导健康,专门研制可以给人带来健康的手表品牌,让人更加关注时间关注生命,PHILIP STEIN 一个美国手表和健康生活产品的品牌,致力开发自然频率技术,让人佩戴手表的同时能健康身体。腕表的价值在于其带有珍惜时间、掌握生命的寓意。

  是一个美国手表和健康生活产品的品牌,致力开发自然频率技术,让人佩戴手表的同时能健康身体。腕表的价值在于其带有珍惜时间、掌握生命的寓意。Philip Stein,一个代表着健康及准确的名字,以腕表内藏的两 枚TESLAR?芯片产生与人体相约的磁场,为你的身体带来贴身的保护。

  PHILIP STEIN的顾客遍布海内外,包括 麦当娜、脱口秀女王奥普拉温弗瑞、地产大亨唐纳德特朗普在内的欧美明星们的腕上。

  除了名气够响之外,Philip Stein TESLAR,它具有设计独特的两枚芯片能帮助人体反抗强电磁场,减少电子污染对人体的影响。此表在香港、台湾也 同样掀起热潮,黎明、郑裕玲、周杰伦、郑中基、陈嘉容等都相继成为拥趸。

  引入可以反抗电子污染的手表,就犹如当年外国鼓励大家使用防晒用品,概念很新,需要时间 让人接受。你看现在人人都明白防晒的重要性了,所以腕表具有防电子污染的理念,相信也会很快被人接受。

  定价由5000 元至15 万元的Philip Stein?TESLAR腕表,在不足3 年时间之内,香港成为该表美国以外的市场,而亚太区的销售量 合计共占了 Philip Stein 的70%销售,创下了骄人纪录。


  Philip Stein,一个代表着健康及准确的名字,以腕表内藏的两枚TESLAR芯片产生与人体相约的磁场,为你的身体带来贴身的保护。


  PHILIP STEIN的顾客遍布海内外,包括 麦当娜、脱口秀女王奥普拉温弗瑞、地产大亨唐纳德特朗普在内的欧美明星们的腕上。

  除了名气够响之外,Philip Stein TESLAR,它具有设计独特的两枚芯片能帮助人体反抗强电磁场,减少电子污染对人体的影响。

  此表在香港、台湾也 同样掀起热潮,黎明、郑裕玲、周杰伦、郑中基、陈嘉容等都相继成为拥趸。

  引入可以反抗电子污染的手表,就犹如当年外国鼓励大家使用防晒用品,概念很新,需要时间 让人接受。你看现在人人都明白防晒的重要性了,所以腕表具有防电子污染的理念,相信也会很快被人接受。

  定价由5000 元至15 万元的Philip Stein ESLAR腕表,在不足3 年时间之内,香港成为该表美国以外的市场,而亚太区的销售量 合计共占了 Philip Stein 的70% 销售,创下了骄人纪录。

  We are Will and Rina Stein. Our company grew out of our own journey to find a way to live in tune in a fast-moving world. Our belief in the potential of Natural Frequency Technology, together with our experience in business and watch design and through collaborating with scientists and experts in frequency technology, allowed us to bring something new to the watchmaking landscape – a distinctive watch that provides the potential to improve its wearer’s quality of life.

  Within a year of the launch, we were overwhelmed with testimonials from customers describing better sleep, less tension, improved concentration and enhanced wellbeing. We had always set out to create an iconic watch that helped people find balance and wellbeing. The “feel good watch”, as it became known, wasn’t popular simply because of its look, but also because it helped customers feel better on a day-to day basis. From the dual time zone dial to the interchangeable straps to the Natural Frequency Technology disc – wearing a Philip Stein watch is a truly unique and fulfilling experience.

  Our timepieces and bracelets are now available in more than 30 countries around the world. Research and development are ongoing and we are always looking for and creating new ways to use our Natural Frequency Technology to improve quality of life. Today, you can choose from watches, bracelets and sleep bracelets. Tomorrow, we are focusing on offering new and improved products to help you look, feel and live in tune.



  Philip Stein

  169 East Flagler St. Ste 1500

  Miami, FL 33131

  Tel 1-855-533-3939


  Philip Stein GMBH

  Weinbergstrasse 2

  8802 Kilchberg / Zürich


  Tel: +41 44 78 20 990

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